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A member registered Jun 15, 2017

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(1 edit)

Love it. Old school, no hand holding, just play win or lose !

No previous knowledge of coding is needed, you will be using a visual scripting tool, there are many tutorials to show how to script using scripted events collision detections.

very nicely done, 

ah no worries, after gruelling afternoon with some help from gab studio Reddit I got everything working ! Cheers 

(1 edit)

Please update for the 2.0 beta, much appreciated ! 

Request : 

Can you make an example of melee combat whereby the player has a global variable health points + attack points,  and enemy actors have local variable scene specific health points and strength.

 You use a sword to attack an actor, and the script subtracts player strength from enemy actor health points

I have been trying to get this to work for a few days now, and all I get is player kills enemy actor in one swing of the sword, when it really should take three swings.

P.s Thank you for making GB Studio, its a great programme !

Please update this for GB STUDIO 2.0

Real time battle the Gurb

I love this game. in my opinion, best new game i've played in recent years

(1 edit)

I found out about this game from a youtube suggestion. I downloaded and played for about 3 hours. in the future I would like to see the choice to rename settlements and people at a stretch.